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Re: Getting to the people with the power

In a message dated 12/2/98 12:51:35 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< We trust that the AERC board deliberated the issue thoroughly
 before their decsision regarding the non-member fee. We trust that it was the
 right decision. I realize there are plenty of people on this list who
 vehemently with my previous two sentences.  >>

Yes, we did, as with all the issues that confront us. Sometimes we make
decisions that prove to be unworkable ( we never said we were perfect and
always wise), but we do deliberate each one extensively. I often feel that, as
with many issues in this world, that a few are making the most noise, and of
course it sounds like the majority are against whatever it is. The REAL
majority is usually silent, and unfortunately it often allows the vocal
minority to surface. There will always be people who disagree vehemently! It's
the way things run. Fortunately, it's not a world-shaking situation, whether
or not a non-member pays a $10 fee. There are much worse issues confronting
the world, and I'm sure this will all shake down and life will procede as

Barbara McCrary
Director, West Region

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