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Re: Getting to the people with the power

>>Are you willing to pay a higher rider 
>fee to AERC so non members can ride for the same price you do?
>So, why do you want others to pay more so that you don't have to pay
>as much?  Do you *really* think that's right?
          I disagree with your logic, Joe. The way I see it, AERC members are
already paying more in order to support the organization that supports the
sport, not the other way around as you state.Without AERC would there even
*BE* any rides for non-members to go to? 
             My husband and I  are only just beginning in this sport
ourselves, but we happily paid the non-member fee before we joined AERC a few
months ago. We didn't even question the non-member fee--it only seemed  right
to pay it.
                 We trust that the AERC board deliberated the issue thoroughly
before their decsision regarding the non-member fee. We trust that it was the
right decision. I realize there are plenty of people on this list who disagree
vehemently with my previous two sentences. However, time will tell if their
decision (and mine) was right or wrong.  
         >>(snip) Joe wrote: And why do we want to tell new people that they
aren't welcome, by saying "Hey, you're not one of us, so we're going to make
you pay
           Joe, we never, ever felt less than completely welcome. In fact, we
felt privileged to be allowed to participate in the rides at all! We liked the
folks we met so much that we wanted to be a PART of the group! I personally do
not think it unreasonable to expect a non-member to pay a small additional fee
to participate in an event that is funded by a group that receives no
financial support  from the non-member.  In economic terms this is called
"free riding." (no pun intended)  And yes, membership should have it
privileges, or why bother at all with paying dues and having rules and
standards and records and publications.  Just my VHO. 
Happy Trails,
Bev Schlegel
Blue Ridge Mts. of SWVA (declared a disaster area today for lack of rain)

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