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Barbara, have you considered driving?  I have a good friend with MS that
has been forced to give up riding because of the gradual loss in muscle
strength and coordination.  She had her Shire/TB broken to harness,
bought a nifty Meadowbrook (padded seat, good springs, very comfy) and
still zips all over the local trails.  Since her cart can carry an ice
chest and a big picnic basket, she's the most popular part of everyone
going out for a trail ride.  She's a little limited as to some of the
trails she can go onto, but it sure beats staying at home!  I even hear
that endurance driving is an up and coming sport, and there are lots of
other neat driving competitions to play in as well, at which I've seen
every conceivable breed and size of horse.

Good luck to you,

Susan G

Maureen Mathisen wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Barbara.  Actually, I have had pysical therapy for
> over ten years, three times a week, epideeral shots, etc. and when it
> went to THREE ruptured discs(the first one at school, the rest followed
> over the course of ten years),  I have been under the care of Sinecare
> in Daly City, and although I can(and do) still teach, it has been so
> painful, I cannot ride at all and it's killing me!I WAS HOPING FOR AN
> OPERATION,      but the doctors felt that three were too many.(I wish someone
> had told me that TWO seemed to be the magic number , but I know that
> even operations don"t  always work either). I guess I am desperate for
> new ideas because I hate so much only breeding horses and NOT riding
> them!!  Thanks for your response and perhaps someday I"ll see everyone
> at a ride again!Maureen M.

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