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California) mountain quarry trail

ya all.  I am resenting the note below because the deadline for the
grant California Parks  and Recreation is applying for  must be
submitted by December 1.  Also i have heard some letters were returned
for insufficient address.  I used a different address in this note.
Please write if you are at all concerned about protecting the Western
States Trail (Tevis).

We are in danger of California Parks and Recreation re-designating a
portion of the Western States Trail (Tevis Trail) to include multi-use.
(bikes).  There is a plan under development to add bikes from No Hands
Bridge to the section of trail that is commonly called the "Black Hole
Trail".  In addition, they plan to add a steel bridge 56 feet long, 6
feet wide to avoid the short decent into the 'waterfall section'.  The
plan is too large to explain here, and we do not want to be too
territorial, however man of us equestrians who live in the area feel the

inclusion of bicycles will add an unneeded danger to certain sections,
such as No Hands Bridge and the waterfall section of the trail.  If you
want more information you can write:
Parks and Recreation
P.O.Box 3266
Auburn, Ca 95604
and request a detail document or if you feel we have perhaps too many
bicycles on the trails already and want to preserve the Western States
Trail you can write a simple letter to Patricia Megason,  Director of
Parks and Recreation, P. O. Box 942896, Sacramento, Ca 94296-0001.  A
letter such as listed below can have a big effect on the completion this

'I am an equestrian.
I strongly oppose the Mountain Quarry Railroad Project in its present
It is unwanted, unsafe and wasteful of out tax dollars.'
Sign your name and address.
It was just a few years ago that citizens had to overcome bureaucracy
and prevent the complete closure of No Hands Bridge only to perhaps
loose it to users who could make it more dangerous.
The projected cost anticipated is over 1/4 million dollars.
Our only hope at this time is a mass of letters written as soon as
Thank You,
Charles Gabri
Chairman, Trails Committee
Western States Trail Foundation
701 High Street, Auburn, Ca 95603

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