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Euthanasia / Prop 6

Connie wrote:
>    I haven't owned many horses in my life but I've had to dispose of a
>beloved mare when her time was up.  I was fortunate;  after the lethal
>injection, a vet used her body to teach horse anatomy, with dissection,
>at a class he was giving.  I was able to watch (tears and all) and I
>found it an incredibly therapeutic, educational, even uplifting
>experience.  Yes, her parts were taken to the dogfood plant afterward,
>but she had continued to instruct humans even after death.

I'm not so sure she ended up at a dogfood plant.  The
problem with using the meat for food after euthanasia
is the drug overdose for a horse would then be toxic to
anything wanting to eat the horse.  Therefore, if this
horse was infact euthanized in the accepted manner, I'd
be VERY suprised if it then ended up as dog or cat food.
This is why a needle cannot be used in packing houses.

That said, I think the anatomy class was a great idea... and
I think Connie got a lot out of the experience... difficult
as it must have been.  A needle can certainly be used
before dissection, tallow, candles, boots, or as I have
been known to threaten Magnum with... couches.

My problem with Prop 6 is the reclassification of horses
from "Livestock" to "Pets".  I think that might be a
Pandora's Box we don't want to open.

Which is really unfortunate because we have a BIG problem
here... and if you love Arabians, try loving ex-racing TBs.

As always, the politics of the whole mess is probably going
to get in the way of actually doing anything Humane.

I must remember I'm lucky to be able to Vote on Prop 6 at all.

- Kat Myers
in San Mateo, CA with Magnum ... one hell of a lucky
ex-racing TB who has dodge that bullet several times
in his 17 years,  and Mr Maajistic... worth every
penny because someone else took the time and put enough
effort into him.

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