Re: Parameters & Endurance Topics

David Bennett (
Sat, 22 Nov 1997 07:43:31 EST

On Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:23:14 -0500 (EST) Barbara Madill
<> writes:

>Why can't MOST rides (particularly flat ones) have lower pulse
>I'd be very interested in learning whether the other vet criteria
>would be higher if the pulse requirements were lower.

Hi Barbara -

If one wanted to make the criteria tighter, the amount of time allowed
to reach criteria could be shortened - say to 15 minutes
instead of the usual 30. Truman's point that once the horse's pulse
starts to drop it goes on down fairly quickly is what I have
observed as well. It is how long it 'hangs' before starting to drop that
seems to differ depending on how he has been stressed.
Some years ago the number was lowered from 72 to 64 for most 50-mile
rides. That got it below the point that many horses
will hang and made it a tougher criteria. Lowering it further would
probably not make much difference. Personally, I would be
concerned if my fit horse were not down to criteria in 5 minutes or so -
and it wouldn't take the ride vet to tell me...

I think the CRI is a great tool for getting a warning that something is
happening that might not show otherwise as well as an indication
of how he is being stressed.

I'm looking forward to seeing you at some rides this coming year!

Dave Bennett
Chickamauga, Georgia