ridecamp@endurance.net: She says...she says!!

She says...she says!!

Samm C Bartee (bartesc@mail.auburn.edu)
Tue, 4 Feb 1997 07:57:58 -0600 (CST)

> hours down to camp for 3 days and learn how it's really done <g>. So...she
> takes me out, all is well, I'm thinking I might just have what it takes to
> do this sport when we came to a portion of the trail where there were 2
I was thinking about now that Tina was such a natural at this sport, where
had she been all along?!! She rides like a pro--after all her lessons, she
she *IS* a pro, she and her horse were awesome together--if my horse
spooked like that, I would be riding the dime store pony!!, and she
*listened* really well when I yelled out some little things about the
trail as we went!!

> We were cantering along (me in front and Samm behind)
Tony was raring to go, and Revel--my Appy--knew what we were there for, so
he was doing his little pokey pony trot that he can be so famous for!!

and I paid little
> attention as Samm said, the trail's a little narrow up here, better watch
> out...I mean, I had hung in there just fine so far right?
I said, the trail is very narrow up there, you might want to slow down a
bit----as I watched her canter on around the next bend!:-)

I had a handle on
> this endurance thing.....no need to heed warnings from a rider that just
> about lives on that trail.....
hahahahaha!!! This is good advice to remember folks!!

> Well... you know what's coming - Tony, for once, didn't spook - we just
> decided too late which way we were going -around or through. As it turned
> out, he went around and I went SMACK!, temple (thank you Troxel), wrist,
> hooked the inside of my right knee on the tree, was pulled out of the saddle
> and landed in a heap on the other side of the trail.
I was thinking as I saw this spectacular head on collision with this tree
that I needed to get back to our camp really fast and call 911, and was
mentally calculating how long it would take the ambulance to get here. By
the time she hit the ground, I had figured out in my head which was the
fastest route to camp, and how quick I could get back to Tina!!
Thank goodness for that helmet!

Tony of course kept
> trotting down the trail till he realized he was alone.
he did come back to see what in the world was going on, and why Tina was
on the ground like that!!

Samm and Revel had to
> engage the ABS to keep from running over me since I wasn't on my horse that
> was 50 yards down the trail.
and I got to practice my flying dismount to see how dead she really

> Yes I got back on - had to ride crooked rest of the way home. Rode the next
> day too - after all I had trailered 4 hours down there!
I knew that day that she was hooked, and that we had a really, really good
rider who would be as dedicated as any in this sport!!!

> Samm apologized all weekend too for taking a prospective endurance rider out
> and running her into a tree :-)
I did, but I kept telling her that I *DID* tell you to slow down.....!!

At the War Eagle X ride last spring--when Tina came to ride, we were
working on the trail for that ride, so she not only got to learn about
riding endurance, but also about how to clean/work on a trail for an
actual ride!!---so at the ride, Tina was awarded the tree that she slammed
into!!! It was a real hoot. Ride manager cut the tree down, after I
asked again for it to be taken out, and he cut out the actual part that
Tina scarred up when she smacked into it that day!!!

samm--the other side of THAT coin!!!:-) and still laughing-though glad
Tina was not hurt at all!!

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