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[RC] Write Bekki for me please! - rides2far@xxxxxxxx

Hey Everybody,
I'm late forwarding this on but I'm sure Bekki would LOVE to come home to mail! 

She is having her last big medical hurdle in her cancer treatment tomorrow, a 
hysterectomy. It's purely preventative, but she'll be laid up so how's about 
dropping her a note. I've posted a new photo of her on her my-endurance.net. 
(She loves it when you request her as a friend)


She's really proud to be getting her hair back but she looked stunning in her 
blue hat dancing at the SERA convention! 

If you write you don't have to worry about being big time pen pals. She reads 
well but typing and writing a letter is a huge deal so it's mostly a one way 
conversation. She is REALLY hoping I find her a mount in time for the Spring 
rides so if anybody in this area has a lead let me know. I need to sell her 
buddy Graystoke so if anybody local knows of a home for a *fun* and extremely 
smooth gelding who just isn't up to competition, let me know. 

The following is from her mother:

Thank you all for carrying Bekki along this far on her journey with cancer.  
She is doling wonderfully, looks great, feels good, and is getting the 
prettiest crop of hair you ever saw.  Everyone wants to pet her head!

The next phase will be a hysterectomy this coming Friday, February 20th.  This 
is being done as a precaution, as the type of cancer she has often recurs as 
ovarian cancer.  Interestingly, a robot named "da Vinci" will perform the 
surgery, guided (we hope) by the surgeon, seated nearby at his computer.  I 
asked if we could watch and was told it will all be available online afterward. 

Bekki is still dealing with lymphedema in her left arm as a result of the 
removal of lymph nodes on the left side and is wearing three different 
compression garments to keep the swelling under control.  This has not slowed 
her down one bit and the $350-a-pop compression garments are getting some tough 
usage as she continues to take care of the horses, dogs, and ride on every 
pretty day.

Because of an extensive blood clot in her right shoulder and arm, Bekki has 
been on coumadin for 3/4 of a year now.  This complicates the surgery a bit, as 
she will have to be weaned off the coumadin with a shot of another drug in her 
belly every day, starting tomorrow, for four days before the surgery and five 
days after.  But, not to worry, Bekki, always the inspiration to all of us, is 
just ready to go ahead and get it over with.

Please remember Bekki in your prayers on Friday as she moves through what we 
hope is the last lap of this most challenging Endurance Ride, which is her life.

If you want to write to her or e-mail her, she would love it!

19741 Highway 11
Wildwood, GA 30757

Thanks, everybody, for hanging in there with her.



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