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Re: [RC] Amazingly bad rider - Lif Strand

There's a lot of stories going around about that video. One I've heard but haven't checked is that the rider is a stunt rider who was making a demo video.

I don't care what the story is - the horse's mouth is yanked open too often, and that's from pain. And stunt rider or not, "good" polo player rider or not, the guy lands hard on the horse, and you know that has got to hurt, too. I don't care if the horse felt fine the next day (how could he?) - this video that everyone is laughing about involves deliberately caused pain to a horse. I can't laugh at it.


Lif C. Strand
Local Economic Development
Catron County, New Mexico USA

life sized wild animal wall stickers
check out the 4 ft. wide  horse murals!


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[RC] Amazingly bad rider, michelle
Re: [RC] Amazingly bad rider, Susan