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[RC] A bit of Fort Valley news - steelsidedown

Pat Oliva finished the 50, marking 19,000 AERC miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scott Carrol & Kalypso won the 50.

Myra Fleming won high vet score and BC... her horse's pulse dropped to *40* at the 10 mins CRI!

The stairs at Indian Graves were a bit vicious, I hope the riders fair OK today in the rain. Becky Supinger and Theresa Carrol fell going up, Theresa's horse rolling over top her then falling more than 60' down the mountain!  All were a bit beat and battered, but able to get the 5 mountainous miles back to camp under their own power. All smiles by dinner. Its amazing no one (horse or human) required a trip to the hospital... scary, scary. Ya'll watch out for Theresa, her horse is one TOUGH cookie!

The ride and tie'ers had a 100% completion rate!

I finished the 50 with little excitement, just the buckle on a brand new easy boot breaking *in half* after 46 miles of OD rock! Ah, they aren't as tough as they used to be (I just turned into my mother). The mountains are just gorgeous this time of year, views to die for on the ridge. Nothing makes me happier than a horse that sees the finish line and takes off at a happy gallop for it... and bucks! >eyes rolling< We came in just as the rain really started setting in, so I packed up and headed home, before the tractor pull started!
