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[RC] Bird's loong Yellowhammer story - Buzzard's Roost

Stop Angie, you're embarrassing me. ;)  And you're too nice.  I slept right beside my trailer/stall too, and I seem to recall getting very little sleep! which was why I was studying your high line rope and ring set up to try the next time.  I still use that to this day.  Love it.  For the record though, on my first attempt 2 yrs ago I ran out of Horse, not Time.  On the 2nd effort I ran out of Time.  3rd time's a charm!  As a matter of fact, if you want to read the sad start of our career, that 1st Skymont story is in the ride stories archive here: http://feeds.endurance.net/stories/2007/11/susans-skymont-story.html  We've come a long way, baby! :)
Thanks Angie,
p.s. I knew you would like the bale bag idea!  We'll definitely do that.  Must be present to win!

From: "rides2far@xxxxxxxx" <rides2far@xxxxxxxx>
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Tue, October 13, 2009 10:50:20 PM
Subject: Re: [RC] Bird's loong Yellowhammer story

>>>>> she devised a brilliant plan to buy bags and donate them to Angie McGhee’s Longstreet ride next May and then compete for one of them!  Since she and Bird aspire to the mid-pack, she decides to have the bags go to a random drawing of the middle packers.  She’ll buy red ones because she intends to win one and she wants a red one.  Only an >>>>>>>endurance rider could >>>>>>>>understand why this plan made perfect sense.

This makes *perfect* sense! Great idea!!!

For any of you who need some encouragement, I highly recommend you read Susan's story. What I like about Susan is she never quit. She decided to do 50 miles with her thick little TWH and showed up at Skymont a few years back. I was ready to not like her when I saw she planned to have her horse sleep in a stock trailer right next to where I was planning to try to sleep...but then he turned out to be a very quiet horse and she turned out to be a very nice person. She went over time on her first try..and her second. Mostly being extremely cautious but also working the beef off that lean mean racing machine. :-)  By Longstreet's Charge he was ready but she thought she detected something wrong about 8 miles in and took quite a bit of time on the trail and let everyone get away from her again. The vets told her he was 100% fine but she was disheartened at the prospect of trying to ride completely alone again and was ready to pull. Fortunately, I found out she still had people behind her so she agreed to go on. They finished a tough ride and really proved both of them were endurance stock! 

So...to see Bird on his *next* outing finishing top 10 and  taking high vet score was a special treat for all of us.  Couldn't have happened to a nicer, or more deserving pair. :-))

Angie McGhee