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[RC] Caja Ride List (Again) We are up/down to 12 - Deirdre C. Monroe

Caja riders:

We have the following 12 riders signed up for the Caja 50, to be held
Sunday, September 6. An entry is on the AERC web site.

I still need 15 pre-registrations by 8/15 or will not be able to hold the ride. We have a 2-day NATRC ride at the same time so a cancellation would only be of the AERC portion. Since I am trailmaster for the NATRC ride, I
will still have plenty to do that weekend! Let's sign up so I can
finalize everything and hold the AERC ride. If you e-mailed or called
and are not on the list, please just re-confirm!

1. Susan Smith
2. Marylin Weiese
3. Debbie Bulcock
4. Jim Christakos
5. Phil Langenscheidt
6. Marcelle Abbott
7. Ray Sansom
8. Marlene Moss
9. Stace Moss
10. Martha Chiang
11. Steve Chiang
12. Anne Podlesak
Andrea Pabel (Maybe) Saddle issues
TBD. Maribel Paulson (Lame Horse)

We have a vendor and Specialized Saddles will be there with their pressure fit pad for saddle evaluation. We have an orthobionomy (sounds weird but really works) person and equine massage.

Also, we are still very  much in need of volunteers! I need a timer, folks
on schlepping water, pre-ride campsite cleanup, P&R, etc. Contact me
if you can come as a volunteer


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