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[RC] How do I find a good horse personality/breed fit - sherman

I have Paloma, a 6 yr old that I’ve had since she came into this world, and Sonny, a 10 yr old that I got as an almost 8 yr old unbroken but handled. Of course Paloma and I share a strong bond, but honestly, no more than with Sonny, who I put under saddle myself and have already done 2 100s on. All of our training and miles together brought us just as close as the years I’ve had with Paloma. It didn’t always feel that way though, and I’d have missed out on a great horse if I didn’t take Sonny because he didn’t respond to me at all when I first met him. He had a look in his eye that called to me though and he has more than met any expectations that I had.




Wow! Thanks for all your suggestions privately and on the group. My next question which occurred to me because of what many of you have said is, Does it "matter" if I buy a young weaningly and raise him or buy a 3-4 year old that is started and going well, in how likely we will be to bond. On one hand, you can bond as the baby grows, and yet for me, I can really "see" a personality when they are under saddle. I guess my preference would be to actually be able to ride the horse and see how he acts, responds to stimuli, me, etc. etc.

thanks, faith