Karen Everhart MEd Co-founder and Executive Director Rainbow Meadows
Rescue and Retirement, Inc. Serving the equine companions who have so loyally
served us... www.rainbowmeadowsranch.com 620-725-3402
Owner/Operator Horse Calls - Equine Management Solutions Centered
Riding Instructor Distance Horse Conditioning and Training www.horsecalls.com 316-648-5082
Hi Ridecamp, > > I have a 9 year old stallion that
in the past six months has > started to develop wrinkles on his
back, on his sides and under his > belly after every ride. I have
tried several different saddle pads, > Skitto, Tolkot sheep skin,
supracor all with the same result. I > have switched saddles,
tucker, Sayer, and abetta all with the same > results. Does
anyone have any suggestions what might be causing > this? I
appreciate any help! > > Chris Leombruno