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[RC] Trailering across country--Tips, advice, etc wanted - Lauren Horn


Congrats to you on tackling Tevis and I hope for you and your horse and safe journey.

When I'm only taking one horse on a long trip I physically take the divider out. Not only is it less weight to tow, but my horse gets a "box stall" and from what I hear from professional haulers that is the way to go. I'm sure there could be a negative but I'm not aware of it. I let my horse loose (no halter, no tie) and she gets to turn around and move around. When I want to take her out she sticks her head out the window and I put the halter and lead back on. The second tip I always use (I read it in Endurance news) is to put rice bran in the water and make a watery soup. My horse loves it and drinks extra water.

Have a great trip and enjoy your Tevis experience.



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