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RE: [RC] new topic, hay - Ranelle Rubin

The weirdest thing about my experience with the horses at AR was the two that I saw that were "on the edge" are managed well, blood is drawn every 6 weeks, and their supplements for the next 6 wks is adjusted. They are not on Dynamite, but managed by a very experienced person.

I ride with peace of mind, which is the most important thing to me.

Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. ~ John Wayne

Ranelle Rubin, Business Consultant
Independent Dynamite Distributor

530-885-3510 home office
916-718-2427 cellular
916-848-3662 fax

From: sherman@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RC] new topic, hay
Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 23:38:40 -0700


I’d be curious to know what else these horses had in common…was their selenium level checked? And it’s important to remember that an endurance horse needs to be closer to .25-.30 and not just within the range of normal, which is .05 to .50. Had they been getting any grain, were they mares, very fit, in season, done a big ride a couple weeks prior to the tie-up and then put on rest? Were they getting an adequate for endurance horses vit E & selenium supplement? Can you find out any of these details?





My daughter’s horse had a major tie-up several weeks ago.  It was terrible!  She is now 3 weeks post event and still has elevated enzymes.  Several people emailed me and said their horses had tie-up episodes while on Ultium.  Please post to the list your findings as others are experiencing this problem too.  My prayers are with you,

Nancy Reed

Lazy J Ranch

Elfin Forest, CA


[RC] new topic, hay, sherman