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[RC] posting for net on Canadian Nationals - Cyndi Rowat

April 4, 2008                                                   Media Release

Canadian Championships near Sundre, Alberta
Seek Enthusiastic Sponsors and Volunteers

Calgary - Canadian, North American and International sanctioning bodies in
the long-distance equine disciplines of Competitive Trail, Endurance and
Ride n? Tie are aligned to bring the Canadian Championships to Alberta. The
five-day event coined the ?Rocky Mountain Challenge - 2008 Canadian
Nationals? is being hosted by a non-profit group by the same name, July 31 -
August 4, 2008 at Red Deer River Ranches West of Sundre, Alberta.

Alberta has a distinguished reputation of hosting superior sporting events.
Enthusiastic sponsors and volunteers are necessary in order to establish
these Nationals as the best ever.

The Canadian Championships are contested in team format every two years,
usually alternating between Eastern and Western Canada. Riders in endurance
and competitive trail must qualify and nominate through their provincial
organizations while Ride n? Tie competitors compete through the Canadian
governing body CaLDRA.

As the host province, both endurance and competitive trail will be permitted
to field two Alberta teams for the Championships ensuring ample opportunity
to put a provincial team onto the podium.

In addition to four Canadian Championships, the organizing committee is
hosting nine other events that are open to all riders. From a ten-mile ride
n? tie to a 35-mile competitive trail ride to a 50 or 100 mile FEI
sanctioned endurance ride (the international governing body for all Olympic
equestrian disciplines including endurance). Sunday will also feature a
pony-express style relay. These events offer unsurpassed opportunity for any
level of competitor.

?With the growing popularity of distance riding across the globe, we are
very proud to be able to hold such a distinguished event for our local
riders in our very own backyard.? Remarks Sandra Nielsen, president of the
Rocky Mountain Challenge and former Chef d? equipe for team Alberta in 2006.
?This family-friendly event has garnered interest from distance riders in
Australia, the United Arab Emirates, and even Peru.?

?We expect a large local turnout of both competitors and spectators to
welcome our Canadian and foreign visitors, but to also prove we are a
competitive force to be reckoned with." Nielsen adds with a grin.

Locally, endurance and competitive trail rides take place from May to
October.  Endurance rides are sanctioned through ERA - Endurance Riders of
Alberta; Competitive Trail rides are sanctioned through TRAC - Trail Riders
Alberta Conference. Currently, there is no Alberta Ride n? Tie organization.
The first ride for competitive trail is scheduled for May 17 in Southern

These long-distance equine sports are based on how this country was
forged?on horseback. Where riders had to take care of their mounts over long
distances just for their very survival.

Today, the sports use veterinary judges to determine the ability of the
horses to continue down the trail. In endurance and ride n? tie the goal is
to be the first across the line in a ?fit-to-continue? condition; in
competitive trail it is to incur the fewest point deductions and finish
within the time allotment. All three disciplines demand that riders
condition their horses properly and are able to manage their needs
throughout the ride.

The Championships expect to see over 200 riders and an event of this
magnitude requires funding and volunteers. The Rocky Mountain Challenge
organizing committee invites all parties interested in these events either
from a sponsorship perspective or in a commitment of time to visit the
website www.canadiannationals.org <http://www.canadiannationals.org> for
further details.

The Rocky Mountain Challenge will be held at Red Deer River Ranches located
South-West of Sundre, Alberta, July 31- August 4, 2008. Established in 1890,
this guest ranch is an active cattle ranch and a fitting locale to showcase
true Western hospitality. The location gives the trail crew access to Rocky
Mountain foothills trails to challenge the competitors among the spruce,
aspen and pine trees in this scenic country.


Interview Local Riders preparing for this event. Contact the committee or
your provincial sanctioning body for contacts. We welcome coverage of our
local events.

Sponsors: The event is seeking sponsors to help bring this event to

Volunteers: A volunteer database is being compiled to match experience with
needs. What a fantastic opportunity to come and participate in a National
level event and see the beautiful Alberta scenery.

Offer Reduced Fee/No-Fee for Ad Space in your publication or on your station
to promote this National event.

We look forward to meeting you at the
Rocky Mountain Challenge - 2008 Canadian Nationals This Summer!

For further information, please contact:

Cyndi Rowat
Public Relations
Ph 403.936.2369
Email: cyndi.rowat@xxxxxxxx <mailto:cyndi.rowat@xxxxxxxx>

Sandra Nielsen
Ph 403.637.0245
Email: Sandra.Nielsen@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:Sandra.nielson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Details on the host ranch:  www.reddeerriverranches.com


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