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Re: [RC] Cloning and Environment//Quantum Connectedness - Truman Prevatt

Ah the "spooky action at a distance" so despised by Einstein. So troubled by it that he spent what should have been the last productive years of his life trying (but failing) to refute it. It culminated in the in the famous EPR (Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen) Paradox. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPR_paradox, http://www.roxanne.org/epr/einstein1.html. With the help of Bell's Theorem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell's_Theorem) and advanced instrumentation experiments were designed and run in the '80s to show that not only was Einstein wrong - he wasn't even close. The issue of non-locality is one of the most "troubling predictions" in quantum physics mostly because the "philosophical implications" are so foreign and unacceptable to some - which was Einstein's problem.

Such things were thought to be limited to the quantum world of the small - until Candace Pert discovered what looked like "action at a distance" of some peptides interact with some receptors.
Today the use of the "wave function" has been somewhat replaced as an analysis tool by the use of the more powerful mathematical tools from gauge theroy, Yang-Mills Connections and higher dimensional geometry in Calabi-Yau manifolds.

The issue of cloning opens up a lot of paradoxes that I think go far beyond "nature vs. nurture." The only way those issues can be explored is through the study of cloned individuals. While some have deep philosophical reservations with such work - most all great advancements in science have met with opposition from the society as a whole and particularly the religious establishment, e.g. Galileo's years of house arrest until his death from the Inquisition http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei. The cloning research work continue - independent of if we support it in this country or not.

As the greatest physicists of the 20th Century (at least the last half of the 20th Century), Richard Feynman once said - science is not a philosophical or religious theory to understand "how" the universes works, it is the discipline that allows us through extensive mathematical models to predict the outcome of experiments. It does that extremely well. As Feynman often said when confronted with a philosophical debate - "shut up and calculate ;-) ."


Beverley H. Kane, MD wrote:
There is absolutely no hard scientific evidence to show that /mirroring /in twins is “caused by” genes.
That theory is unprovable without gold standard mass, prospective, double-blind, interventional studies.
Can you think of a study design for that exercise? (I can, but it would be unethical to carry it out.)

In quantum physics, there is a phenomenon known as “quantum connectedness,” which roughly speaking, means any system where the elements (usually particles, but also twins in utero, also lovers) have once been in contact will remain in contact with similar behaviors and “fates.” Of course, particles do not have genes. When the weather gets too foul to ride, please read the essay on the Science of Connectedness by Bill Gough
http://www.fmbr.org/papers/sc2.php (excerpt below). (See also Nick Herbert’s /Quantum Reality./)

The last horse I was trying out for Soul Horse—I think she was psychic. After 1 hr on a strange trail w/ a new stallion, she was reading my mind on a loose rein. Believe me, I’m not that good a rider for it to have been all body signals. I loved her. Alas, she was 15.3 and way out of price range. (She’s advertised on endurance.net. PM me if you want a big, gorgeous, sweet, precision, psychic horse.)

Beverley...whose best non-horsey friends are physicist-parapsychologists

4. *A physical system, once separated, retains a "connectedness" through the quantum wave function*. This is, perhaps, the most bizarre and controversial of the predictions of quantum mechanics since it implies linkages that transcend space, time, and the conventional interactions of the four basic force fields. But considerable experimental effort has confirmed that "local" connections are inadequate to explain reality; this justifies incorporating "non-locality" into our model. A more comprehensive discussion of non-locality appears below in connection with the detailed description of the model.

On 10/25/07 9:56 AM, "Smith, Dave" <dsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    As important as environmental factors are to the development of
    the individual, the importance of the DNA can’t be overstated.
    Examples abound of identical twins (humans), with the same DNA,
    separated and isolated at birth and raised in completely different
    environments who develop in tandem – often uncanny – ways, such as
    choosing similar careers, exhibiting similar mannerisms such as
    pushing back hair with the same hand gesture, similar walking
    gaits, even driving the same make and model of cars. Clearly both
    nature and nourishment play equally critical roles in developing
    the individual.

Beverley Kane, MD
Horsensei Equine Assisted Learning and THerapy
2995 Woodside Road Suite #200
Box 205
Woodside, CA 94062-0205

ESP: wireless nonlocal area networks

The Wind of Heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears
-- Arabian Proverb


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Re: [RC] Cloning and Environment//Quantum Connectedness, Beverley H. Kane, MD