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Re: [RC] Race (was: FACTS) - Steph Teeter

This is one thing that FEI does better than AERC - that is - administer 'racing' rules. Every event requires the presence of officials - for judging (application of rules), for vetting, for stewarding, and for signing off on the ride before it starts - in that it meets standards of safety and fairness. The TD - Technical Delegate arrives prior to the event, evaluates the course, the start, the finish, the vetting areas, etc and makes sure that it meets FEI rules and standards. I have been asked in the past to move the finish line, add cautionary signs on the trail, re-arrange trot-outs, etc. It's a hassle, and it is an additional expense to bring in all the officials, but it does provide more of a guarantee to the riders that the competition will be safe and fair, and it does help protect the FEI by increasing the likelihood that rules will be enforced. (officials must report back to FEI, and they must become licensed - and maintain their license - in order to officiate).


It may be time for the organization to do as the Duck suggests and
separate the rides from the races since he is clearly quite right that
the rules necessary for safely administering each are quite different.
And right now, the rules the AERC has are inadequate for safely
administering a race and overly strict for administering a ride.

Orange County, Calif.



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[RC] Race (was: FACTS), k s swigart
Re: [RC] Race (was: FACTS), Truman Prevatt