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Re: [RC] beware of speeding bicyclists - Laney Humphrey

That is really a bummer, Marlene! If the trails gods are playing fair, his bike got bent when he hit your horse and he took a bad header a bit further down the trail.

Alan&Marlene Hopp wrote:
Just a reminder to all. Be wary of speeding
Yesterday, while riding through the Pike National
Forest, here in Colorado, a man on a bicycle apeared
right in front of me, speeding down the steep, single
track trail and literally crashed into my horse,
causing her to sidestep so quickly that I lost a
stirrup and hit the ground hard. It knocked the wind
out of me, broke ribs, and bruised my shoulder and
hips. This guy picked up his bike, sarcasticly said
"Thanks" and sped away down the hill, leaving me there
on the ground! It took me almost an hour to reattach
my stirrup, adjust my saddle and painfully get back up
on my frightened horse while trying to breathe with my
ribs grinding together. Good thing I wear a helmet
and carry emergency tools, first aid kit and twine for
any needed repairs. Good thing also that my Morab
mare stood there patiently waiting for me.
I am always polite to these cyclists when out on the
trail and don't understand this sort of treatment. Most of them are considerate in return, but this guy
has now ruined my summer. I won't be riding at all
for a month or two with these broken ribs. Sigh.....
So be forewarned and watch out for these cyclists!

Mt Region

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[RC] beware of speeding bicyclists, Alan&Marlene Hopp