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[RC] Shining Moon - Steph Teeter

Well the ride has officially started. Twenty registrations, and the last horse just finished the first veterinary inspection. I think one or two of those won't be starting, but I should have the official starters list soon. One stallion, the rest mares and geldings, an assortment of breeds and body types. A couple spotted horses, though I don't know if they're appaloosa cross or a local breed. I'll have photos up soon of all the horses trotting out. All of the hard work is paying off, things are running smoothly. Traffic flow is good, there's plenty of space - although if there were twice as many starting horses it might get a little congested in places.

It's very festive feeling. The main ride sponsor - National - Joba Ride- the horseback riding simulator machine- has set up a tent with several demonstration machines. People are ridin' hard. It's actually a very cool thing, I'm trying to figure out how to get one so I can exercize while I'm working on the computer :) There's a tack store going up across from the office, people have crewing tents set up. There will be a reception tonight, hosted by National - the Joba Ride corp.

It's perfect weather today - cool, a little breeze - sunshine for the most part, though a few showers are predicted for tonight. Tomorrow they're predicting highs in the 70's (lower 20's) - partly sunny - just about right.

I'll get some photos up now -



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