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[RC] Bored 14 yr old in camp-a new idea - Ranelle Rubin

Hi Ridecampers,

Last night after a benefit ride in the El Dorado National Forest, I had exhausted my abilities to entertain my 14 yr old..board games, guessing games, etc (I am the mean mom that says NO to computer games and TV's in camp).

He said, "We should just make up a game"....so.....I told him to go gather all the kids in camp, which because this was a large event and offered 6 mile, 12 mile, and 25 mile loops, there were quite a few kids available.

I made a list of 15 common things found in people's camps (like a bungie cord, marshmallow, paper plate, cookie, clothes pin, etc), and they went on a scavenger hunt. They each had a plastic garbage bag to collect their items and set out in teams of 2 or 3. They had a blast! The first team back with all the items won...

I plan to expand the list, and print copies out for next time this happens (mostly to avoid having to think and copy the list 5 times after a few beers). The adults in camp really enjoyed meeting the kids and helping them out. I even had one lady ride her horse looking for the organizer of the event to thank me...

So, next time your kids are bored...

Ranelle Rubin
R.Rubin Consulting


916-663-4140 home office
916-718-2427 cellular
916-848-3662 fax


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