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[RC] LD rides/endurance/dressage, etc - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Dianna dmchapek@xxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm thinking there are a number of people who should be riding other 
disciplines if they want to be given awards no matter what their level.  If the 
only thing you're after is an award, go into showing or another arena event.  
For all those saying RMs are imposing their will by not awarding BC for LD, I 
ask what you're trying to do in your attempt to force RMs to conform to your 
way of thinking?  I say be glad we're lucky enough to have RMs willing to put 
rides on.  If you insist on having a BC for LD at the rides you attend, then I 
suggest you only attend those that offer BC.  It does no one any good to bash 
RMs & insist they do something that AERC clearly is their option.  Bash them 
enough & they still won't award BC to LD, they'll just stop putting on rides.

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