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[RC] [RC] Staging Area thieves - Sherman

"everything was deserted except one older 4 door with a trunk white 80's toyota/datsun type car---we should have written down the license plate! Hind sight is everything-we stopped at my bank on way back and actually got a stop put on the cards while they were being used. $671 Ralphs on hwy 49-$400something and a $700 something at kmart-big shoppers-$1100 at kmart eh? chuckle"
This is very similar to other incidents. It is so important to leave NOTHING of value in your vehicle, jot down license #s of vehicles in the area, even call the police of sheriff to report suspicious persons in the area, talk to all others you see in the area & tell them about the break-ins AND that you record & report suspicious vehicles & persons.....who knows, maybe you'll even talk to the perp & prevent a theft at least that day if they think you've got their vehicle lic#. Might even want to take a digital camera along & and take pics (of cars, people), nothing happens, just delete them all. I'll bet it's probably more like the 200th incident, not the 20th! We just don't hear about all of them.
Does anyone have any experience with "the boot" (I think that's what it's called) to prevent vehicle theft?