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Re: [AERCMembersForum] Re: [RC] Current 100 Mile Horses - Truman Prevatt


What I meant was there will not be many horses that do nothing by 100's at least today. There may be one or two but it will not be as prevalent as it was say 10 years ago. BTW my mare would have hit Angie's Bronze level with 100's (with two ) before she had 100 miles. I think that used to be quite common - a lot more common than today. So I feel that mileage should be separated from any 100 program. We already have a mileage program. Clearly a horse that had 18 100's deserves Gold, Platinum, Diamond, or whatever the highest level is independent if they did one mile of anything else or not.


heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Angie wrote:
"what do you think a
horse who does 3 100's and never does another ride being considered a
"bronze level endurance horse"?"

I very seriously doubt that you would find such a beast in the last 10 years. I doubt if you will see one of these in the future. If you do - so what.

Truman, do you mean horses that only do 100s, or do you mean horses that quit?

If you mean horses that pretty much only do 100s, I'd direct you to GA
Tyfa Mynte's record.  She has done 2130 miles, and the only non-100s
are five 50s and an 80.  Other than that, the mare has done 18 100s.

She only had 400 miles by the time she had completed her first three
100s. Was she a "bronze level" horse after those first three 100s? You betcha. And she reached that level just nine years ago.

But of course, she didn't quit.

While it might be rare to have zero miles in rides less than 100, I'm
sure there are other horses out there who have very few non-100 miles.


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RE: [AERCMembersForum] Re: [RC] Current 100 Mile Horses, heidi