during really buggy season, add couple
caps of Repel-X
optional: couple drops of Eucalyptus
Shake well before each use. Likes to
separate, and also, oil will settle to bottom and clog your sprayer. If you have
a horse prone to sunburn (pink skin), cut the oil back or definitely use
skin-so-soft or they may sunburn.
Can be used a couple times a day.
Will also help calm/soothe/heal sweet itch or other bug
Used as listed, may help soothe/cure rain
rot; for a bad case, some have said that a couple drops of Tea Tree Oil added
may help (anti-fungal)
I have a new horse that has become
downright almost unsafe to ride due to his fighting with flies! In winter and
spring he was doing well and I enjoyed riding him but as the fly season set
in, I have never seen an obsession this bad with any horse I have ever ridden.
Yes, they are bad this year due to rainfall, and I use fly predators,
repellants, masks etc. I have heard that garlic and or vinegar in the feed can
help. Anyone know the recipe? Or any other answers to this problem? Thanks for any