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Re: [RC] Non Arabs - Barbara McCrary

Anyone can do endurance on any breed....Icelandic Pony, Missouri Fox Trotter, Morgan, TWH, Paint, Haflinger, whatever.  If a rider has a desire to be VERY competitive, then probably the Arab is the way to go.  But no one says a rider HAS to be competitive.  We started on Quarter Horses 35 years ago and then we had a desire to place higher than we did on them, so we went the Arab route.  Then we became used to them and haven't changed to any other breed yet. 
No one can demean you if will not allow it.  Be proud of YOUR horse, whatever his breed and don't let anyone put you down.  No need to be high and mighty no matter what breed you ride.
Which brings to mind one of the best endurance horses we ever had, a many times winner in Ride & Tie, a R&T Hall of Fame horse, a 4th place in Tevis, a cow horse, and just an all-around great horse...1/2 Morgan, 1/2 Percheron....16 hands, 1200#.  (A lot of people have heard this story before....sorry for the repetition.)  It's what's up there between the ears that counts.  We miss the old codger to this day.  The vets used to say he HAD to be part Arab, because only an Arab could be as good as he was.  HA!
----- Original Message -----
From: Pam Bailie
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: [RC] Non Arabs

Hi ? I just want to agree - I was told I could not do endurance on my horse so of course I had to do endurance on my horse ? When I first started I made every mistake possible and I was inclined to agree until I started a 50 about 10 minutes late and came in 11th place in a field of 60+ riders.  Since that ride we almost always place in the top ten and have passed our 1,000 mile mark and are still going strong.  The prejudice is out there but if you have a horse that loves to go and recovers and you are willing to do your homework and put the time in conditioning any breed can excel.  I agree that many people avoid endurance because they have been told if you don?t have an Arab don?t bother ? I hope this is  changing and I am seeing more breeds represented at the rides we go to ? Thanks.  Pam Bailie and Skipa Slipa on Ice, APHA


From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Faustina Duffy
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:28 AM
To: GaitedEnduranceRiders; ridecamp
Subject: [RC] Non Arabs



I'd like to take a stab at this....


I have, personally, heard OVER and OVER that if I REALLY want to do endurance, I should get an Arab.  Yes, now it feels more like good natured kidding-it did NOT feel that way at first.  I have known an experienced vet to say that "Only Arabs and 1/2 Arabs complete all 5 days of this ride" (He did cheer me on and told me he was very proud of me when we DID do all 5 days, but hearing that comment on day 2 really did hurt, even later realizing that he meant it more as a consolation to a rider whose horse had been pulled that day).  I feel like a freak in a sideshow at times because of the attention my horse has received at times (Of course, I'm not that upset, I've been an oddball most of my life, so I rather enjoy it).  I have had people come try to SELL me an Arab "Since you seem to like this sport you need to buy a real endurance horse (yep, actual words)."  That is a roundabout way of saying "I don't believe your horse will REALLY keep doing this" to a person who is tired but proud of their non-Arab.  Why do you think so many ridecamp newbies ask "Is it POSSIBLE for my horse to DO endurance?" 


I see it at times when I see/speak with folks who are riding an Arab but they tell me that their "Pleasure" horse is <insert gaited breed here> - they never thought to TRY it for endurance because they were told "Only Arabs excel at it."  There IS a breed prejudice there, I'm sorry.  And yes, I KNOW that on average Arabs ARE great at this sport and at the top-and I'm proud for you.  But look at the little things....AERC tracks pedigree of Arabs doing endurance, but no other breed.  Your OWN last comment, if I wanted to feel persecuted, could be translated to "Gaited breeds are great if you CAN'T ride an Arab (meaning, a REAL endurance horse)."  I RARELY top ten with my horse.  I am not asking for speed...not sure if I ever will.  I LOVE being out on the trail with a definite GOAL, and I LOVE knowing that I have the ride vets to help me get a TRUE picture of how my horse is doing.  Endurance is for me, no bones about it...and I personally think my non-Arab does great at it. 


I hope this doesn't sound aggrieved-I love Endurance and the folks I meet out there-I really do.  So many folks have encouraged me when I was tired/scared/confused and, most often, Lost on trail <grin!>.  I have gotten great advice, and I DO feel accepted.  I just think that some of you have been on the "inside" of the Arab bias and have never realized the UNINTENTIONAL slant of what gets said.  The "exceptions" to the "Arab rule" often pop to your mind quite quickly because they are an anomaly in your own mind.  It brings to mind the stereotype of the white family who are so quick to point out their black friend, patting themselves on the back for being "openminded."  I AM proud of how quickly you all tell anyone, "Yes, Endurance is for ALL equines."  I just wish you didn't HAVE to....


Faustina & Romeo

(and yes, I own 5 Arabs...I just don't know if I want to ride any of them 100 miles)


Why do people who ride non Arabs have such a chip on their shoulder? To each his own, no body cares, unless they see a horse that,s skinny & overworked. That tends to get everyones attention. I love gaited horses, I,m seriously considering buying one because I,m getting to old to ride Arabs. I,ve been told gaited horses are perfect for older riders, handicapped folks or those just plain to scared to ride Arabs   jvm

RE: [RC] Non Arabs, Pam Bailie