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Re: [RC] Saddle trees that might fit? - Laney Humphrey

Hi Sharon,
There aren't many (if any)saddles new in your price range, especially since you need a pretty unique fit. I'm thinking that maybe saddles designed for gaited horses would work best since it sounds like his shape goes more towards his RMH side. The Tennessean saddle from National Bridle Shop might be worth a look. It's in your price range too.

Sharon Levasseur wrote:
Hi all,

I'm toying with the idea of a new saddle and need some ideas of what trees might
fit Zephyr. Can't spend more than $1000 and of course I hope to spend less!  I'd
be open to either new or gently-used.

Zephyr is an Arab/RMH who is around 14.3h and anywhere between 800-950#
depending on the time of year and his level of conditioning... 850# is probably
his ideal weight.  Like many Arab crosses, he is short-backed.

The main fitting issue is that he has very wide shoulders but his ribs slant
DOWN away from his spine, not out and down... that is, he has a prominent
spine... so he cannot have a saddle that is for round-barreled horses.

I'm looking for a tree that has flared bars in the front and hopefully in the
back, that is short from front to back, and that is very wide in front but
narrower at the back.

I would prefer a western endurance style and I need a 15" Western-measured or
17" English-measured seat.

What are the brands of saddles with trees that might fit?

Thanks as always,
Sharon L. & Zephyr's Elegant Gift (Maine)
sharon1359 @ spamcop . net


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[RC] Saddle trees that might fit?, Sharon Levasseur