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[RC] Old Age & Healthy - Carolyn Burgess

I don't think age has anything to do with it.  I'm 46 and I'm on a myriad of prescription medicines.  I have asthma (take 3 meds for this) and acid reflux (take one for this with alot of dietary restrictions).  I'm planning a move to a less poluted area of the US and career change, which should take care of my need for medication.  I am generally healthy except for these two things and my age has nothing to do with either of them. 
Carolyn Burgess

Lif Strand said:

> I can't say I know very many people at all over 60 or 65
> who aren't on at least one prescription medicine. I can't
> think of one person over 70 that I personally know who
> isn't taking several prescription medicines.