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[RC] Trying to identify maker of saddle . . . - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Beth mefo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I brought home a used endurance saddle to take for a test ride today.  It looks 
just like a Tucker equitation endurance saddle in brown and black leather, but 
there is no manufacturer's name or logo on it . . . the only marking I can find 
on it is a serial number on the left side leather piece that slides on to the 
three billet straps.  Can anyone identify the maker of a saddle like this?

The lady I got it from said that she was told that it was a Tucker, but she 
couldn't tell for sure.  It fits me and my horse, and it's great to ride in!  
Still, I'd like to be able to identify the maker . . .


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