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[RC] [RC] spinning horse going down the road? - Erica DeVoti

I used to have a spinner that would leave me in the dirt quicker than a sneeze.  I did the following and I would no longer classify him as a "spinner"--this worked for me for riding endurance--it may not be what you want in other disciplines:
Pay close attention to his body language and hesitancies--when you notice he is getting tense (pre spin/spook signs--they are there if you listen closely) give him a consistent cue (clicking or kissing sound, whatever) and urge him forward--this keeps him forward moving.  I would also do this if I spied something on the trail that he may worry about.
This trained him to stay forward and steady on the endurance trail and in conditioning rides--I believe it is a "muscle memory" type of training where he went on "auto pilot" going forward (i.e. *not* spinning) .  Consistency and time should help immensely.  (Note, by going forward I don't mean bolting of course).
Secondly, your horse is still young--if you can ride w/ another steadier horse and let your horse take short turns leading and using the above cues, that should help, too.
In the meantime, don't forget your helmet!