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[RC] Old Pueblo Ride - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Vivian Blevins rble455589@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or 

The Old Pueblo Ride was this weekend, I have not seen any comments on this ride 
so I figure I will be the first, the trail was wonderful, the weather held 
throught out we had a little rain Friday night but Saturday morning it was 
overcast and cool but no sign of rain.
The 50 milers started at 7:00 am, trail was clear and with decent footing we 
did 4 different loops and everyone of them was absolutely beautiful, had some 
rocky parts so if you decide to do this ride make sure your horse has hoof 
protection. I rode with two other ladies that I must say made the ride 
enjoyable and very pleasant to do and I appreciate the company my mare tends to 
get a little excited at the beginning of a ride but once we hooked up she 
settled down and was a joy to ride.
If you are doing your first 50 or coming back into 50's like I was after not 
doing them for a while due to some serious health issues this is an excellent 
first 50, it has is challenges but very much duable.
They were some mishaps on the ride or I could say some very sad things 
happened on this ride which I don't feel is my place to discuss because even 
though I saw the end results I don't know all the actual details and therefore 
will not comment on them, all I can is that everybody seemed to be very 
understanding and compasionate and that is what the endurance community is all 
about. Other than that the pot luck dinner and awards were alot fun and the 
weather pretty much cooperated until early Sunday morning when it started to 
rain and hail and I figure it was time to go. Thank you to the two ladies that 
rode with me and kept me company you made the ride very enjoyable and I hope to 
meet up on the trail again.


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Ride Long and Ride Safe!!
