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Re: [RC] moving up from CT to LD - heidi

here is what i do with Artie before we start.  i have to get up early to
do these exercises, and i do pay the price when i don't.
after tacking up, i ask him to walk out on a long lead and ask for turns
and stops.  then i move in and turn his head in with the lead rope (not
the reins) into the stirrup until he stops walking, both ways.


Similar philosophy, but different perspective:  I agree that behaving at
rides the same way that you behave at home prior to riding is a big help. 
That said, I keep my routine down to a bare minimum, as I've found that
the MORE fussing I do with my horses, the more concerned they are apt to
become.  At home, we tack up, go to the mounting block that is about 5
steps from where we tack up, and I get on.  Then we do all of our warmup
mounted--we ALWAYS leave at a walk, and walk for at least half a mile. 
So--when we go to a ride, we tack up either tied to the trailer or in the
portable corral (depending on how we are camping), place the mounting
block either just a couple of steps from where we are tacking up, and get
directly on.  Then we walk out, and continue walking until we are ready to
go faster.  The result is that our horses will consistently leave at a
walk, usually with minimal contact on the reins and attentive to us.



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Re: [RC] moving up from CT to LD, Ericka Nelson