Re: [RC] Club feet-vet/farrier advice requested? - Vallonelee
Although there may be familial tendencies, the main cause of high-low syndrome seems to be confinement.
This youngster that I have that started this thread was confined to a very small area with 8 other horses, so that seems to follow here. Also, when I first got him he was off and on lame on that foot. He was on pasture 24/7 that was hard clay soil. I have since moved to a softer, sandy pasture and he seems to be progressing nicely without sign of lameness. Do you think that the sandly soil allows the tendons to flex more and has actually aided in the remodeling of that foot? Just a curious thought that bounces around in my head.
Lee ".......and God sought to bestow upon man a supreme mark of his blessing. God created the horse. The horse could run faster than the deer, jump higher than the goat, and endure longer than the wolf. Man, being encompassed by elements that sought to destroy him, would have been a slave, had the horse not made him king."
Lee ".......and God sought to bestow upon man a supreme mark of his blessing. God created the horse. The horse could run faster than the deer, jump higher than the goat, and endure longer than the wolf. Man, being encompassed by elements that sought to destroy him, would have been a slave, had the horse not made him king."