I discovered at my club/gym has Nomad as pads on the floors in
the sauna and steam room. I asked and lo and behold they found me a bunch of
it they were going to throw out. I have essentially several no-sweat type pads
waiting for a try out...for free. 10 dollars off isn't going to help
me-especially at Christmas time. I need my cash to buy presents for
others-can't afford an expensive pad for me this month. I bet many are in
the same boat. It's hard to justify spending a chunk on me when I'm scraping
to get gifts for everyone else.
Tiffany On Dec 15, 2004, at 8:51
AM, DVeritas@xxxxxxx wrote:
Karl, I haven't used one of the two pads I bought from you for over a
year. /color>/fontfamily>
I've been using something else that seems to be working mo'bedda./color>/fontfamily> Thanks
for asking, though./color>/fontfamily> And,
hey, Merry Christmas,/color>/fontfamily>