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Re: [RC] re: Rude Rider, Howard Bramhall - Elin Pendleton

Hahahaha, reminds me of a line I learned in middle school that stays with me to this day:
(Scene: Person combing/brushing hair in public--an ettiquette no-no, according to my mother)
"Excuse me, may I borrow your comb/brush? I have this horrible scalp disease, and I hate to use mine."

On Nov 11, 2004, at 8:26 PM, DRG1 wrote:

Why do I always agree with your (sometimes) outrageous ideas?!?? ?:)
Add one to your "spittin' chaw".. when you spit, accidently on purpose, ?just spit spray nearby?etc, & then say, Oh, sorry, BTW?I have AIDS (or whatever contagious well-known ugly disease, TB, syphilis etc).
Sorry, I couldn't resist...

Elin Pendleton, AAEA, WAOW, NAPA
The Paintings: http://www.elinart.com
The Horse Paintings: http://www.equinepaintings.com
New work: http://www.elinart.com/pages/recent.html

[RC] re: Rude Rider, Howard Bramhall, DRG1