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Re: [RC] [RC] Are you aware? - Howard Bramhall

The workers in these countries you speak of are not slaves. These workers get paid money even if it isn't much. The workers do not get tied up and chained by their hands when they don't do what they're supposed to. The workers do not get flogged when the trainer feels like flogging them. The workers were not abducted or purchased from their parents for a pittance because the parents are so poor they are unable to say no to the man with the bag full of money. The workers are not fed only biscuits and water to keep their weight down below 50 lbs. The workers are not forced to ride camels at such an early age their sexual organs no longer function. The workers do not sleep on the dirt on the ground outside. The workers are not 3 years old. The workers are not sexually molested by their trainers. The workers are not refused medical treatment because their enslavement is a violation of International law. The workers are not buried in an unmarked grave in the desert where no one can see.

There is no comparison and it's comparisons like this that delude what is going on over in the UAE.

Please, watch the show. The final rerun will be on tomorrow night. Make an effort to see it. A real effort. Watch it once and there will be no doubt of what the right thing to do is. I'm beggin ya. Please, watch the HBO show "Real Sports with Bryant Gumble" on Thursday night.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Barbara McCrary" <bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Dot Wiggins" <dotwgns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "ridecamp" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: "AERCMembersForum" <AERCMembersForum@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [RC] Are you aware?
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 21:30:02 -0700

I suspect that AERC orders from an American company that outsources its jobs
to the orient.  Just look at all the things you have that are made
abroad......just about all our clothes, although jeans are probably made in
Mexico.  Even my husband's Dodge Ram diesel pickup was made in Mexico.  The
question is, do we have a choice anymore?  Try and find a company that
doesn't outsource most of its work to some foreign country whose people work
for significantly less salary than Americans do.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dot Wiggins" <dotwgns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "ridecamp" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "AERCMembersForum" <AERCMembersForum@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 4:22 PM
Subject: [RC] Are you aware?

> The AERC patches, rider milage chevrons, horse milage medallions, etc. are
> made in China and Taiwan.
> I seem to recall a lot of controversy about working conditions, very young
> children working long hours, starvation pay, etc. in several countries.
> Don't know if this is still happening, but maybe we should research where
> AERC is spending our money.
> Are children in "slave labor" factories any less in need of protection
> camel jockeys?
> I'm not in favor of buying overseas what can be had in the US. (Where
> all the year end awards being purchased?)
> Dot Wiggins
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