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RE: [RC] Northern CA, West Nile Virus - Susan E. Garlinghouse

The Merial Recombitek product has a higher incidence of adverse reactions
than does the Fort Dodge killed virus product.  I've vaccinated probably a
thousand horses with the Fort Dodge vaccine and haven't seen a bad reaction
yet.  There have been a number of reactions reported on the equine
clinician's network, including high fevers and subsequent laminitis.  That
doesn't mean the Merial product "will" cause adverse reactions, just that
I'm convinced it's more likely to than the Fort Dodge Innovator.

Whether either were responsible for your friends horse colicking, dunno.
Coincidental timing maybe.

Susan Garlinghouse, DVM

-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Renie M burnett
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 5:55 PM
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RC] Northern CA, West Nile Virus

West Nile has made it up here;  1 horse dead, so far, in the county just
south of ours,( Shasta Co.) and a couple dozen dead birds up here.  A
friend has asked me to e mail Ridecamp about her horse's possible
reaction to the WN vaccine.  She just bought this horse a month or so
ago.  The mare, quarterhorse, 4 yrs, healthy, etc.  Was given her first
shot on July 16th.  Because the danger is so near now, her vet suggested
giving the second shot at 3 weeks instead of the usual 6 weeks.  Second
shot was given Aug.3.  Last night, this mare colicked, mostly tummy ache,
and has had and continues to have diarrhea.  Vet prescribed banamine. 
This horse was still colicky today, was bucking in place because of
colic.  Her vet also gave her some anitbiotics as she is suspecting the
mare has an ulcer.  Linda, the owner, and the vet, are baffled.  Last
call to Linda was late this a.m. and she said the horse was still
uncomfortable and still had diarrhea.  Any one ever have these problems
after the WN vaccine and/or booster?   Thanks.  Renie


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[RC] Northern CA, West Nile Virus, Renie M burnett