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[RC] Ghost of Howard - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: howard howard9732@xxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I?ve been contemplating whether or not the Ghost of Howard can still speak his 
mind?  I mean, after death, is there a mind; is there a soul?  I sometimes 
wonder.  I bet ya?ll might wonder on this also.

I apologize to any Muslims I may have offended with blowing myself up on 
Ridecamp.  I didn?t mean to end up this way, but,  I guess, current world 
situations may have given me the idea.  The only difference is I didn?t take 
any one else with me, although, I must admit I had my eye on a couple in here.

Step on up to the platform with me, oh, that mighty woman from North Georgia.  
And, yes, let?s take your western sister, Sylvia, along the journey, joining 
the two of us (making it a delicious threesome).  What do you gals say?  I?ll 
even let one of you, or both, simultaneously, push the detonator.  What fun!

OK, so, I didn?t go out that way.  I think they?d be too clever for me anyway.  
Coming up on the platform is not an easy decision to make.  So, alone, I press 
the detonator and, in my drama-queen fashion:  KABOOOOM, goes Howard, leaving 
only this wispy looking, phantom creature called ?Howard?s Ghost.?

Haha.  Ok, suicide is not a pleasant thought, but, if you think about it, when 
a high tech lynch mob approaches you set on only one goal, it may be time to 
leave.  When one does more harm than good, when one discusses the undiscussable 
(is that a word?), well, this is how one can end up.  Another example of that 
axiom: endurance equals life.  Because when both horses and human, each 
creature volatile when left to their own devices, get together, the combination 
can be quite adventurous, exhilarating, remarkably invigorating, dangerous, 
deadly, disabling.  Pick one, two, three, or just mix and match.  Do it long 
enough and you?ll see each of those words attaching themselves to your life.  
Endurance, or just making horses a major part of your life, will equal Life, as 
you know it, and, you and your horses will make adjustments along the way.  
Kind of like a marriage, except, well, we?re dealing with two entirely 
different species.

So, nothing to report except Stagg rules the friggen planet, and, we must get 
him out to Tevis next year.  Southerners and Yankees, unite, and start a 
collection to fly his mighty steed out there next year.  This horse already 
knows how to fly, I think (I should know this).

Heidi, I like you, respect you, and, enjoy your company.  I would never ask you 
to join us on the platform even though I do know you enjoy the company of those 
other two (or, at least one of them) more than you enjoy mine.  That?s OK.  My 
ghost will not haunt you, ever!  Promise.

I hope some of ya?ll get a kick out of reading this, Nick Warhol, I?m sorry, 
but, I only wish I could reach your standards of getting along with others.  I 
fail miserably in this arena.  In my own defense, all I can say is: The horse 
is better.  Better than the human because:

1) If the horse ever gets mad at you, the experience is short lived and doesn?t 
follow you to the grave.

2)  The horse does not ever plan to sabotage others or make others look bad, 
through any means possible.  This noble creature knows not how to even attempt 
such an act.  Unfortunately, we, humans, have perfected it.  Of that, there is 
no doubt.

3)  The horse won?t go running off and stay with his/her momma if you do or say 
something that really bothers them.  In fact, with a horse, you can practically 
say or do just about anything without serious ramifications involved.  Try 
doing that with a human.

4)  The horse is concerned with your health and well being.  They want you to 
be happy, be spiritual, and, if you gain some weight, they may get in your face 
about it.  This is good for you, the human.

5)  Finally, the horse can become your best friend.  They make the best 
listeners in the world, never interrupt, and, always, unless you run into a 
tiger, bear or lion along the way, let you finish your thoughts.  When I?m with 
one who is my best friend, at that particular moment in time, my thoughts 
continue on through our journey.  It?s quite rare to experience this, ever, 
with a human.  With the horse, this happens every day of my life.

Howard?s Ghost

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