how I would feel if I had to babysit 100 some odd people who apparently need to be truly managed by and large under the best of circumstances. We are probably fortunate and perhaps just don't hang in certain circles, so just based on experience as a olunteer at many rides over the past 12 years, I have found that some people are just by nature kind and considerate both to ride people and to their horses. Others just can't grasp that, and frankly terrorize volunteers, irritate RMs - to put it lightly - and make it very hard to staff rides a lot of the time. That is just the way it seems to be. Being tired, a little impatient - all of that happens, but wow - bottom line is that if one has a complaint, SIGN ONE'S NAME! that is just chicken-you-know-what - to complain and not sign. That right there is the biggset issue - not being much of a man - or woman - hiding.
As an aside, after many times seeing lynne bend over backward for people who clearly oferrode or abused their horses, and in addition chewing them out somewhat, I would stand behind that for the sake of the horses. The horses MUST come first, and if someone is lacking in that, they need some discipline.