[RC] Colorado Horse Park Challenge Endurance Ride - Ridecamp GuestPlease Reply to: B Helm Colobooky@xxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ========================================== Immediate Release: To date, the following clients have committed prizes to the annual Colorado Horse Park Challenge 25-50-50-100 for the upcoming Labor Day weekend. Synergist; Max Tack Equestrian Products; Ariat; Toklat; Cool Medic; Rocky Mountain Electric Fence; Joyce Leake; Cut Heal; Equestrian Safety Products; Chill Factory; Moss Rock Endurance; Spirit Horse; Trail Blazer magazine ============================================================ The very essence of our sport is doing the trail as quickly as practicable, while keeping one's horse fit to continue. Taking the clock out of the equation makes it another sport altogether. The challenge is how to keep the sport what it is while honing our skills (both as riders and as those in control roles) in detecting where "the edge" is for each horse so that we don't cross it. ~ Heidi Smith ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================