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[RC] Judge/Tent Fires/Cut throats? - rides2far

What are you people doing over there in the South/East? .... Trail
Cutting, Someone getting shot 

Ya'll are just jealous because you don't have enough foliage to duck into
shortcuts without being seen from 40 miles away! As far as
shootings...hey, when you're riding through a virtual rainforest of
folliage you've got to offer *strong* deterrents to cheating!

If any of you would like to come to a more safe ride with really
good people.and good >>>>friends move on out here. AS they said in the
old days "move west my friend"

Of course there's lots of good people out there. The East sent some nice
seed stock girls west on those mail order bride trains. They couldn't
help it if they didn't quite have the looks to get a husband back east.
ducking and RUNNING< :-)


P.S. On a SERIOUS note, talked to ride manager of Million PInes this
morning and he DID have spotters on that last loop. The people who were
offering us cold bottled water on that loop were also taking NUMBERS.
Leave it to Wes to disguise the "policing" mode with a little Southern
hospitality! :-))

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One would think that logic would prevail. But then, if logic did prevail,
men would ride sidesaddle. 
~  Bob Morris

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