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RE: [RC] (no subject) - Steph Teeter

My question is about racing her
in the 50's, it seems all the people I've met at the races seem to think I
need to try the longer races but it seems to me since I don't train, feed
special, or do electrolytes, that I need to stay in the LD's where she seems
not to be stressed at all.>>

Here's my humble opinion: Do what you and your mare enjoy and don't worry
about what anybody else says.


-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of LRN8554@xxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 8:46 AM
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RC] (no subject)

I'm new to this sport and Arabians and am absolutely amazed at what these
Arabs can do.  We decided to try endurance racing because it just seemed an
extension of the riding we do, 2 or 3 times a week, in the mountains near
home in east Tennessee.  I have a 7 yr. old Arabian mare who is very fit but
she has always had a resting heart rate of between 44-48.  She always needs
about 5 minutes to get her heart rate down.  I've only done 5 LD's, she
always finished in the top 4 and has one BC.  My question is about racing
in the 50's, it seems all the people I've met at the races seem to think I
need to try the longer races but it seems to me since I don't train, feed
special, or do electrolytes, that I need to stay in the LD's where she seems
not to be stressed at all.  I also constantly worry about her carrying too
much weight.  She weighs about 915 lb. and with my gear I weigh in at 220.
Any thoughts?  Linda

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[RC] (no subject), LRN8554