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RE: [RC] [RC] Ratting People Out - Howard Bramhall

At least have the courtesy to approach the human before calling the police on them. There might be something going on with the horse that you do not know. If you don't have the guts to look the owner in the eye, than, you are indeed a rat.

Merry Christmas Ya'll.

Howard (spend more time worrying about your own horses)

From: "Kathy Copeland" <ponyup1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: <ponyup1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "ridecamp" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [RC]   Ratting People Out
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 07:59:33 -0800

Well we will rat you out in a heart beat if you are not taking proper
care of your horses.  I guess you can say we have had enough of people
getting them and not taking care of them.  The old saying that the
squeaky wheel gets the grease is true.  If we find some one who is badly
neglecting their horses we will take turns calling animal control until
something is done about it.  Now when we start calling they know we are
relentless so they check it right out and they actually take action and
even have started thanking us for helping them keep and eye out for
neglected animals.  If ya can't take care of a horse or any animal ya
don't need to own it and ignorance is no excuse.  Ignorance cases are
given a chance to fix their problems if they aren't disgustingly
horriblely bad.  So for the love of horse and all animals we will
continue to report neglect cases.  If the neglecters want to be mad
about it Too Bad and if they want to get nasty well we say Bring It Own!
Team Slow Poke,
Kathy and the Gang

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