If you go there you will see there is one page titled
"We Need Your Help." This page shows faces and horses of people you
were not able to identify (in haste) while I was still there. Maybe in this
blown-up form some of these people will be obvious to you. I have put up, so
far, only the people/horses in Saturday's 50-mile that we didn't identify. Most
of the photos are redundant -- but hopefully one or another will provide you
with the visual clue that will trigger your light bulb.
In particular, the C5 lady was riding with Valerie 1/2 mile
after their start of the second loop (so the "out check" sheets may
be of some help).
If you have access to sponsors of juniors, the junior in the
yellow plastic rain coat was riding with the lady in C17 -- they were in the
first 10, I think, 1/2 mile after the start of the second loop.
I would appreciate it if you could examine these soon -- if
you have trouble -- maybe there's an acquaintance with internet access that
might be able to make identifications.