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[RC] [Guest] English Endurance Saddles - Ridecamp Guest

Sheila Larsen Sheila_Larsen@xxxxxxx

I have experience with both Frank Baines(FB) and the DSS Synergist.  The FB
is extremely well made with excellent quality leather and lots of dee rings.
It puts you in a very good position and one feels very secure. However,
similar to the DSS both are made in England so getting the fit correct is
problematic in that you have to send them to England, between shipping time
and cost, it adds up and is not convenient at all.  The DSS does not have
the same quality leather, but are extremely comfortable and I too require a
narrow twist.  If you order a DSS make sure you ask for a crupper ring, they
don't put one on automtically.  The fitting problem I had with the DSS is
that for my mare it lays too heavily on the loins.  I will say that CJ has
been helpful.  Although I also prefer an English style, you should try the
Syngerist endurance model.  Even my dressage instructor was extremely
impressed with where it put my leg, so was I, it was in the perfect position
and had a narrow enough twist to make it comfortable.  Good luck.

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