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Re: [RC] Completion Awards - Truman Prevatt

That's pretty much the way I read it. There must be completion awards for those that successfully complete the ride. But nowhere does do the rules address the ride managers discretion on what to pass out to other folks.

If it's not in the rules it's not a rule and I don't see anyplace in the rules that limits the RM discretion on what she can pass out to volunteers, local sheriff deputies for directing traffic early in the morning, land owners that were good enough to allow the ride to use their property, those that started but had a bad day, etc.


April Johnson wrote:

Well, if you wanna talk *rules*, here are the rules on completion awards:

"6.3 All riders who successfully complete the ride must receive a completion award."


"L6.3 All riders who successfully complete the ride must receive a completion award." (Referring to LD rides).

That's it about completion awards. Some other stuff about BC and top ten, but no more about completion. Nothing at all about what that should be (how did T-shirts become such a prevalent award?).
RMs could give a scrap of paper with the ride name scrawled on it and signed with chicken feet dipped in mud. (Personally, I'm glad they don't do THAT!)

Also, nothing that says, "nobody else should receive an identical piece of paper with chicken-feet-shaped mud spots if they didn't complete the ride."

So where does that leave us? RM discretion.

Nashville, TN

----- Original Message ----- From: "m l" <lindym007@xxxxxxxxx>

My only point was the completion awards should be
different and not available to people who don't
complete. Finishing an endurance ride is a great
accomplishment. <snip>
originally we were talking about AERC rules on completion.

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[RC] Completion Awards, April Johnson