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RE: [RC] was grain at rides; adding electrolytes - Alison Farrin

Since my horses get 2-3 oz of salt in their daily goodies, and I up that
to 4 oz in the three days before a ride, putting in 1 oz of elytes at
the ride is like getting goodies with no salt at all.  They don't turn
up their noses because its salty!

Alison A. Farrin
Innovative Pension
Innovative Retirement Services
858-748-6500 x 107

-----Original Message-----
From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Truman Prevatt
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 3:16 PM
To: Ed Kilpatrick
Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [RC] grain at rides

I have had very good luck with my horses eating feed with Perform and 
Win. They won't touch feed with EnduraMax but they like P&F. In fact 
they will lick the stuff out of my hands. I also have trained them by 
putting it in their feed a home during our really hot periods down here.

If I'm feeding grain I do it 8 hours prior to a ride. It has to do with 
the insulin cycle after a grain meal. However, with the complete feed ( 
not much grain in it ) I feed about two hours prior. Back when I was 
doing 100's on the mare ( I fed her a lot of grain ), I'd give the main 
grain meal at 10 PM and make sure she had all the hay she could eat the 
rest of the night.


Ed Kilpatrick wrote:

we had this discussion at liberty run, too.  seems like a lot of folks

start throwing together some concoctions that they might not normally 
feed (in the interest of making sure the horse is getting everything 
he needs) and what happens is the horse wont eat it.  even his normal 
grain ration, if you throw in electrolytes, it sure seems to turn them

off.  i try to stick with the same stuff he is accustomed to, but at 
this ride  when i offered my horse everything i normally offer him in 
between loops, he wouldnt eat.  i finally got some fresh new spring 
hay from michelle, and he wolfed it down!  which led howard to come up

with this idea.  let everyone set up their feed and water, etc. at the

vet check area, then when you come in, MOVE DOWN ONE PLACE, and let 
your horse get your neighbor's stuff!  on another note, some of my ctr

friends insist that they have to feed their grain at 3 am, for a 7 am 
start,  because they are afraid of inducing colic.  anything to 
that? &nb sp; ed

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