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Re: RC: figure 8 sidepulls?

Hi Julie- I'm a newbie to the endurance world - have only done limited 
distance so far on my 12 yr old Arab mare- but have felt much more 
comfortable riding with either a vosal or the bitless bridle... like the 
concept of the "BB" in terms of it looping over the poll so it pushes as well 
as pulls. Does not really work like a snaffle in that it is not entirely 
direct rein.  Finished last season with it happily, but with the "winter 
horse" am finding her head up and pulling against me- all  that extra energy  
and not enough daylight and dry trail to get her mind on work and not just looking forward to seeing Pat's new vosal at also looking 
forward to reading responses from others far more experienced than I.         
  Good Luck!                             nikki 

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