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    Re: [RC] Training horses to calm down... - Trailrite

    In a message dated 11/22/2002 2:29:38 PM Pacific Standard Time, elsie@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    How to teach her not to do this? If she yields beautifully
    under some circumstances, but not others?

    Our suggestion would be, and this is what we do to prepare a new horse for endurance.  We tie them, with rope halters with no metal fittings, for hours at a time days in a row.  We tie them first to big stout trees and them trailers, hitching rails and continue this while other horses are in training around them.  When we do this we slowly start their sacking out training.  By the time these horse are done, they are pretty trained to tie all day and night.  We have found no horse to be to old for this process.  It just might take a little longer with older ones and ones that have had a bad experience.
    Tammy Robinson
    Trail-Rite Ranch & Products
    18171 Lost Creek Road
    Saugus, CA 91390
    661/513-9269 or 713-3912
    (New Up Dates!)